On-ice training, off-ice training, team & private training, video breakdown and game analytic services, physical therapy, performance training and rehabilitation services.
This 7-practice/6-game season held on Sundays is a 5 vs. 5, non-contact, recreational, co-ed format (Except Romeo All Girls League). We try to limit teams to 10-11 players to maximize playing time. This is an exceptional program for first-time player
Sport International is the original developer of Ice Maximization Circuit Training. "Upbeat drills, continual movement and the focus on repetition" is our ingredients to developing young hockey players. International offers 3 Hours of concentrated ice training daily. Morning sessions cover every aspect of power skating; forward stride, backwards skating, stops and starts and tight turns. Afternoon sessions include our innovative puck-handling and shooting progressions through ice maximization stations. Our instructor/student ratio is approximately 1:7.