Drama and Musical Theater Summer Camps in Greater Buffalo, NY
Do we call it musical theatre or musical theater? Acting or drama or theater arts or performance arts?
It doesn't matter what we call it: Summer is a great time to learn acting, singing, and dancing! With greater Buffalo's emphasis on performance and music, there are lots of summer camps to choose from. Some are one week, some are more. The following are camps that have elected to be featured on this page, and below it are additional camps of which we at KidsOutAndAbout.com are aware.
If there is a camp that we have missed, please email us to let us know, and we'll add it promptly. Thank you!
Theatre of Youth
Theatre of Youth, in Buffalo, NY, now in its 48th year, offers YEAR-ROUND theatre classes and camps including camps during the winter and spring recesses and throughout the summer. Keep kids active and engaged during the school year and during the summer! Along with our Saturday classes, join us from 9AM-12PM for one of our SCHOOL BREAK week-long sessions during the February or April Breaks! Registration is now available for the sessions that begin February 1! Theatre enriches the lives of children. It cultivates curiosity, strengthens communication skills, sparks imaginations and builds creative confidence. Classes available for grades K-12 and all experience levels. Space is limited.
To register, visit our website at www.theatreofyouth.org or call 716.884.4400, ext 304.