Story times for children, LEGO Club, Performances, STEM activities, Arts and Crafts, Lectures, Music, Workshops, Technology Training, Book Clubs, Book Sales, Maker Space at the Amherst Main Library for youth, Play Room at Eggertsville-Snyder
CEPA’s photography classes and workshops cover a variety of subjects for students of all ages and skill levels, including film photography, digital photography, darkroom, photoshop, studio lighting, and more.
JCC of Greater Buffalo has massively popular after school program with Kids' Place. Students in the Williamsville and Buffalo Public Schools can be transported right from school to the JCC! Once in Kids' Place, access to activities is amazing!
Fitness & Wellness, Youth Enrichment, Early Childhood Center, After-School Program, School of Dance, Camp Centerland, Swim Lessons, Music Lessons, Kids Fitness, and much more!
Basket Making, Kids Craft Basket Making, Traditional Pit Fired Pottery Workshops, Traditional Storytelling, Seneca Language...BINGO!, Creation Story Activities, Longhouse Making Craft Activity, "Ruppet" Shows, Cultural Sensitivity Workshops etc.
Squeaky Wheel’s award winning youth programs are the area's only media arts workshops. Give your young creative the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and access to 21st Century skills and tools that empower them to own make their own media!