St. Lawrence Parish and Vineyard Ministries | Kids Out and About Buffalo

St. Lawrence Parish and Vineyard Ministries

Saint Lawrence is a friendly little Catholic Church in the City of Buffalo. We have the latest parish Mass in the City at 10:00 PM on Saturday night and we are handicap accessible with air-conditioning. You are always welcome.

Saint Lawrence is a friendly little Catholic Church in the City of Buffalo. We have the latest parish Mass in the City at 10:00 PM on Saturday night and we are handicap accessible with air-conditioning. You are always welcome to come and worship with us.


The people of St. Lawrence Church believe that we are called to bring charity and justice to our world.  To do that we operate a food pantry and Larry's Closet.  We also support the Children's Clinic at St. Lawrence and the St. Monica's Campus of the Nativity Miguel Schools is located here.