Little Lamb Preschool - Hamburg, NY | Kids Out and About Buffalo

Little Lamb Preschool - Hamburg, NY

116 Union St (Located at The Hamburg United Methodist Church)
Hamburg , NY , 14075
Phone: 716-649-8080
42° 43' 1.4772" N, 78° 50' 0.4848" W
Contact name: 
Lisa Link
Business/organization type: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
Little Lamb Preschool is located in Hamburg, NY and provides a creative learning experience. Multiage class (3-5 year olds) is offered mornings or afternoons. Two year old class offered one morning a week. New playground and outdoor play space.


 Our curriculum fosters the development of the whole child- physically, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually. A balance of structured and independent activities supports children as they grow and learn in all of these developmental areas. Children are encouraged to be actively engaged, creative, and inquisitive. We want children to feel good about themselves and what they can accomplish, to learn about themselves and their environment, and to make new friends. Our Pre-K program provides developmentally appropriate, individualized instruction to prepare children for Kindergarten.

     Our teachers are dedicated, caring, and passionate! With specific training and education in the field of early childhood, our teachers understand the unique needs and learning styles of preschool aged children.  A commitment to continuous professional development means that our teachers are on the forefront of early childhood education.

 Early childhood education is a true partnership between the school and a child’s family. Our families make Little Lamb great!  We encourage families to come into the classroom to help on a regular basis and we have many special family centered events thought out the year.  


                                            Morning Multi-age class


3 year olds attend two days per week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 9:00-11:30.


4 year old Pre-K students attend four days per week, Monday thru Thursday from 9:00-11:30.


                                              Afternoon Multi-age class


3/4/5 year old attend three days per week, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 12:15-2:45.


 Little Lamb Preschool believes in the Multi-age advantage, which features small group learning based on need, ability, and interest rather than age. There are two teachers everyday, with parent volunteers on a regular basis.


Children must be using the bathroom independently to attend. 


 Activities for the day include:


-Free Play


-Morning meeting


-Centers (individualized instruction and small group learning)


-Bathroom and hand washing


-Stories and music time


-Snack time


-Large motor play or group activities


-We plan field trips and classroom visitors as well as holiday parties/events.  


 - Special Pre-K activities for the older children include a focus on letter recognition, phonological awareness, printing their name, and introductory math. 


                                             Two year old Co-op


Tuesday or Wednesday from 9:15-11:15


A Thursday class is added if enrollment numbers allow.


This program is designed to provide quality care to toddlers in a safe and caring atmosphere while their parents enjoy free time.  



During each session there is one teacher and one or two parents remain as parent helpers.


 Each family takes about 6-8 turns as the co-op parent throughout the year. On the days that you are not co-oping, you are free for two hours. 


The children have the chance to practice separating from their parents, interacting with a group of their peers, and relating to other adults.


Children do not have to be potty trained for the 2 year old program.


Activities of the Day include:


-Free play


- Diaper changes, potty time and hand washing


-Creative project or exploration opportunities




-Clean up time


-Large motor skills and group activities


- Stories and songs.