Hurd Orchards | Kids Out and About Buffalo

Hurd Orchards

Pick asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, peaches, blackberries, plums, apples, pumpkins

Asparagus: May 5th - May 15th Rhubarb: May 1st - June 15th Strawberries: June 10th - 30th Sweet Cherries: July 4th - Aug. 1st Sour Cherries: July 15th - Aug. 10th Blueberries: July 4th - Sept. 1st Red Raspberries: July 5th - Oct. 10th Purple Raspberries: July Black Raspberries: July Currants Red, White and Black: July 5-August 5 Peaches-Yellow and White: mid July - early Sept. Blackberries: August Plums: mid August through mid-September Apples: September-November 1 Fill your baskets to the brim with Western New York's signature fruit. We offer many varieties for picking Pumpkins: the month of October